It is only in the last century that meats have moved away from being 100% organic to being influenced by synthetic chemicals in their feed…
However , if you are interested in buying organic meat and ensuring that your body receives only the best; making sure you understand the difference is essential.
How can I identify organic meat?
Beyond ingesting feed that has not been affected by synthetic chemicals, pesticides, insecticides and herbicides; organic meat can traditionally be identified as meat which has been reared:
• Without the use of antibiotics
• Without the use of growth hormones
• Free range and in conditions that best befits their natural environment
• Using a healthy diet of organic maize, corn or natural grazing pastures
Laws and legislation
Not just anyone can claim that they sell organic meat. By using the term, it means 1) they have been thoroughly checked to ensure they are following organic practices and 2) that their meat is traceable (all farmers must document the standards they followed whilst raising their cattle - from birth to slaughter).
Drug Policy
As mentioned above, to be classified as ‘organic meat’, they must not have received any antibiotics, growth hormones or drugs, other than required vaccinations.
Should they require further medication , by law, farmers must first remove them from the rest of the herd and no longer class them as organic.
Due to organic certifications, grazing cattle can have daily access to well-managed pastures for at least 120 days of the year. But this is not all…
To be classified as ‘green meat’ they are also not allowed to receive ground up animal parts or manure, but must be fed feed that is 100% organically grown and hasn’t been influenced by synthetic chemicals, irradiation etc .
Animal Welfare
The key to creating organic meat is raising livestock in conditions which best matches their natural environment. This means for cattle they must have regular access to well-managed pastures, and poultry must not be caged but be allowed to roam outdoors.
Buy organic meat
As you can see from the guide above there is a vast difference in care and quality between standard and organic meat. However , if you are interested in buying quality meat that is 100% organic, naturally reared and raised to the highest standards, there are many reputable online meat suppliers for you to choose from.
Simply remember to do your research, and ensure that when you buy organic meat you are certain of where it has come from.
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